Cockroaches are undoubtedly the most despised pests on the face of the Earth. Not only are they carriers of diseases, but are also indicative of an unhygienic environment. And, let’s not get into the fact that they can FLY too (the horror)! Households are easy targets for these pesky creatures and they mostly infest the kitchen or anywhere they think they can thrive. It’s no wonder people always search for home remedies for cockroaches.

They multiply at an alarming rate and it is important to control them while you can. While professional pest control is a great way, we have some natural remedies that you can start with. These methods involve things that are usually available at home. Read on to find out how you can get rid of them now.

Home Remedies for Cockroaches #1: Boric acid

Boric acid is believed to be one of the best home remedies for cockroaches. For best results, dust a little bit of this powder in corners and floors and let it sit while roaches come in contact with it and die. Boric acid is not effective when it is wet. A word of caution — this powder is poisonous and should be kept out of reach of children and pets at all times.

Home Remedies for Cockroaches #2: Baking Soda

This method is a classic example of the fish and bait technique. A concoction of baking soda and sugar is an effective way to control the multiplication of these pests. Sugar acts as a bait to attract cockroaches and the baking soda will kill them. You just need to identify their hideouts and sprinkle this mixture in those corners.

Home Remedies for Cockroaches #3: Neem

Neem has been used as a natural remedy for a lot of things including pests over the years. Neem oil or powder contains potent components that can kill cockroaches. To use it in oil form, mix a small amount of neem oil with water in a spray bottle and spray it in places where you have spotted these pests. However, if you are using neem powder, all you need to do is sprinkle it in cockroach-infested areas at night and repeat the process in the morning.

Home Remedies for Cockroaches #4: Peppermint Oil

Essential oils are easy to find nowadays and who knew these are useful in so many ways? Peppermint oil is one of the most effective essential oils for keeping cockroaches at bay. Make a mixture of saltwater and peppermint oil and spray it on the infested areas at home. You will notice a difference after continuous application.

Home Remedies for Cockroaches #5: Bay Leaves

Did you know, raiding your spice cabinet can help you get rid of cockroaches? If you have a soft spot for these pesky pests and you do not want to kill them, then this trick might help you. Crush some bay leaves and sprinkle them in your cupboards or where you spot them often. Alternatively, you can boil some leaves and spray the water in infected corners. This should keep them at bay.

Home Remedies for Cockroaches #6: Fabric Softener

If you’re looking for an alternative for market repellents then try mixing fabric softener with water and store it in a spray bottle. Whenever you spot a cockroach, spray this mixture on it directly and watch it die. But, this might not be the best solution for large scale infestation.

How to avoid letting them in?

Tip #1: Clear Clutter

Just like every other living creature, cockroaches need food to survive. A well-stocked pantry might be your favourite midnight craving, but if you spill food while you’re eating, then you are in trouble. Exposed trash cans, food spills, clutter and dirt will act as a magnet for them. Keep your surroundings as clean as possible.

Tip #2: No More Water Leakage

Cockroaches need moisture and water to thrive. They love living in places that are moist, which is why you will often find them in a humid environment. Something as simple as a leaking water pipe is enough to attract them. Make sure you do not keep standing water in the vicinity of your home for very long.

Trust us, these remedies are tried and tested. You cannot go wrong with these. So what are you waiting for? Try these and stay in a cockroach-free and clean home.